Legacy Offering

Legacy Offering

The Legacy offering is a campaign we launched in April that will be carried through the end of 2023. We have a goal to raise $80,000 this year because we have it on our hearts to invest above-and-beyond in our Next Generation Ministries. God is calling us to leave a legacy, in our families and in our church. We want to create a HOME for our kids and our youth by having strategic and fun programming while having excellent spaces to conduct gatherings!

Key Focuses:
- Excellent Programming for youth and children (Camps, Retreats & Special Events)
- Interior Renovations of our children’s & youth spaces
- Minor renovations and repairs of the outside playground/park

We hope you prayerfully consider contributing to this!

Pledge an amount:

Let us know how much you pledge to give over the next 6 months!

Give below:

*Select "Legacy Offering" on the drop down menu*

Central Youth Space Renovations