What are Groups?

We believe God wants every person to experience life, and life to its fullest here on earth! That’s why we always say, “We are better together!”. Groups at Central Church are just one way we live that out. If you’re new here, a seasoned believer, or somewhere in between, we believe there’s a place for you!

Ready to find your Group?


What is the time commitment of Groups?

Usually, a group meets once a week for an hour – two hours. This is all up to your preference though. We will have different groups, with different times, on different days. You can get to choose what you want to be a part of!

Is childcare available?

That depends on the group as well. Some groups will be adult only, some might include the whole family. Be sure to read the group descriptions to find out.

How much do I need to know about The Bible?

You don’t have to know any at all! Some groups will be geared towards new believers and learning all about who God is, what the Bible says and what being a Christian means

If the group I try out isn’t a good fit for me, may I leave without upsetting other members?

Absolutely! If it’s not a good fit, try another one you’re interested in. Our group leaders understand that people are trying to find the right community to connect with and they want that for you as well!

Are Groups for me?

Groups are for everyone! Being in community and doing life with others is an essential part of our human existence. We think it will bring a joy to your life and maturity to your faith.


Want to lead a group?

Click the button below to find more info about leading a Group at Central Church!

Not sure where you want to start?

Sign up for our NEXT STEPS course that you can take anywhere and at the end, we'd love to meet with you in-person and help you get connected.